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Англо-русский словарь - ace


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Перевод с английского языка ace на русский

I Allied Command, Europe noun Европейское командование НАТО II American Council on Education noun Федеральный совет по народному образованию (США) III Automatic Calibration and Equalization noun автоматическое уравнивание и градуировка
ACE noun
 1) sport очко, выигранное одним ударом, броском и т.п. (в теннисе, гандболе и т.п.)
 2) cards туз the ace of trumps -
 а) козырной туз;
 б) самый веский довод
 3) первоклассный летчик, ас; выдающийся спортсмен и т.п. the ace of aces aeron. - лучший ас; fig. лучший из лучших
 4) coll. маленькая частица, йота not worth an ace - нет ни грана; ни гроша не стоит within an ace of - на волосок от, на грани, чуть не within an ace of death - на волосок от смерти ace in the hole amer. - скрытое преимущество to have an ace up ones sleeve - иметь козырь про запас
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См. в других словарях

  1. карт. туз the ace of trumps —- козырной туз; главный козырь; самый веский довод to trump smb.'s ace —- побить чьего-л. туза козырем; парировать чей-л. удар 2. "один" (в домино или костях) 3. загон мяча в лунку одним ударом (гольф) 4. очко, выигранное одним ударом, броском и т. п. (теннис, гандбол) 5. ас, первоклассный летчик-истребитель 6. самолет командира эскадрильи 7. знаток, специалист высшей квалификации; ас; эксперт ace at chess —- ас в шахматах 8. разг. маленькая частица, йота; чуточка not worth an ace —- нет ни грана; ни гроша не стоит within an ace of —- на волосок от, на грани, чуть не within an ace of death —- на волосок от смерти he was within an ace of telling her everything —- он чуть было не сказал ей обо всем 9. ам. сл. один доллар 10. ам. сл. один год тюрьмы 11. ам. сл. столик на одного в ресторане 12. ам. сл. посетитель-одиночка в ресторане Id: the ace of aces —- лучший из лучших Id: ace in the hole —- ам. скрытое преимущество, козырь, оставленный про запас; друг, на которого можно положиться в трудную минуту Id: to have an ace up one's sleeve —- иметь козырь про запас 13. опытнейший, первоклассный; выдающийся ace flier —- первоклассный летчик, летчик-ас 14. спорт. получить очко одним ударом, броском и т. п. 15. ам. сл. унив. получить высшую оценку на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I сокр. от advanced capability explorer исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками II сокр. от advanced communications functions расширенные функции телеобработки III сокр. от asynchronous communications element адаптер асинхронной передачи данных IV сокр. от automatic circuit exchange автоматический коммутатор каналов ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a a playing-card, domino, etc., with a single spot and generally having the value 'one' or in card-games the highest value in each suit. b a single spot on a playing-card etc. 2 a a person who excels in some activity. b Aeron. a pilot who has shot down many enemy aircraft. 3 a (in lawn tennis) a stroke (esp. a service) too good for the opponent to return. b a point scored in this way. --adj. sl. excellent. Phrases and idioms ace up one's sleeve (US in the hole) something effective kept in reserve. play one's ace use one's best resource. within an ace of on the verge of. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L as unity, AS(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English as, from Anglo-French, from Latin, unit, a copper coin  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a die f~ marked with one spot  b. a playing card marked in its center with one pip  c. a domino end marked with one spot  2. a very small amount or degree ; particle  3. a point scored especially on a service (as in tennis or handball) that an opponent fails to touch  4. a golf score of one stroke on a hole; also a hole made in one stroke  5. a combat pilot who has brought down at least five enemy airplanes  6.  a. a person who excels at something a computer ~  b. the best pitcher on a baseball team the ~ of the staff  II. transitive verb  (~d; acing)  Date: 1923  1. to score an ~ against (an opponent)  2. to make (a hole in golf) in one stroke  3. to gain a decisive advantage over ; defeat — usually used with out  4.  a. to earn a high grade on (as an examination); especially to get an A on  b. to perform extremely well in he ~d every subject  III. adjective  Date: 1926 of first or high rank or quality an ~ mechanic ACE  abbreviation American Council on Education ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (aces) 1. An ace is a playing card with a single symbol on it. In most card games, the ace of a particular suit has either the highest or the lowest value of the cards in that suit. ...the ace of hearts. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. If you describe someone such as a sports player as an ace, you mean that they are very good at what they do. (JOURNALISM) ...former motor-racing ace Stirling Moss. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft n N • Ace is also an adjective. ...ace horror-film producer Lawrence Woolsey. ADJ: ADJ n 3. If you say that something is ace, you think that it is good and you like it a lot. (INFORMAL) ...a really ace film. ADJ c darkgreen]approval 4. In tennis, an ace is a serve which is so fast that the other player cannot reach the ball. N-COUNT 5. If you say that someone holds all the aces, you mean that they have all the advantages in a contest or situation. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a playing card with a single spot on it, which usually has the highest value in a game  (the ace of hearts) 2 have an ~ up your sleeve to have a secret advantage which could help you to win or be successful 3 hold all the ~s to have all the advantages in a situation so that you are sure to win 4 be/come within an ~ of to very nearly succeed in doing something  (She came within an ace of getting the job as Export Manager.) 5 a first shot in tennis or volleyball which is hit so well that your opponent cannot reach the ball and you win the point 6 someone who is extremely skilful at doing something  (a World War II flying ace | an ace at chess) 7 ~ in the hole AmE informal something that you keep secretly to use when you need it  (That fifty dollars is my ace in the hole.) ~2 adj 1 ~ pilot/player/skier etc someone who is a very skilful pilot, player etc  (ace footballer Diego Maradona) 2 BrE slang very good  (The party was ace.) ~3 v 1 AmE informal to do very well in an examination, a piece of written work etc  (I think I aced the History test.) 2 to hit your first shot in tennis or volleyball so well that your opponent cannot reach the ball ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Arthritis Control Electrostimulator lab. abbr. Angiotension Converting Enzyme lab. abbr. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme hum. gen. abbr. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme physiol. abbr. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme physiol. abbr. Antegrade Continence Enema NASA abbr. Apollo Checkout Equipment NASA abbr. Advanced Composition Explorer transport. abbr. Airport Capacity Enhancement transport. abbr. Air Cleaning Engine transport. abbr. Active Cornering Enhancement mil. abbr. Assistant Chief of Engineers mil. abbr. Armored Combat Earth-mover mil. abbr. ASAS ( All- Source Analysis System) Collateral Enclave mil. abbr. Allied Command Europe mil. abbr. Analysis and Control Element mil. abbr. Armored Combat Excavator mil. abbr. Aviation Council Emeritus mil. abbr. Airborne Command Element mil. abbr. Airborne Communications Electronics mil. abbr. Aerobatic Competency Evaluator mil. abbr. Army Combat Earth-mover mil. abbr. Aviation Career Education mil. abbr. Adaptive Communication Environment mil. abbr. Aviation Combat Element time zone abbr. After Christian Era 3-let. lang. abbr. Achinese airport code Lanzarote, Canary Islands railroad abbr. Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto Railroad ocean sc. abbr. Atmospheric Collection Equipment ocean sc. abbr. Antarctic Current Experiment ocean sc. abbr. Aerosol Characterization Experiment ocean sc. abbr. Advanced Composition Explorer meteo abbr. Aviation Combat Element chemis. abbr. Acetate univ. abbr. Academic Core Enrichment univ. abbr. Achievement Centred Environment univ. abbr. Academic Center For Excellence univ. abbr. Academic And Career Excellence univ. abbr. Accelerated College Enrollment univ. abbr. Academic Character Excellence univ. abbr. Achieving A College Education univ. abbr. Association Of Collegiate Entrepreneurs univ. abbr. Academic Community For Enrichment univ. abbr. Academic Competition Of Excellence electron. abbr. Automatic Control Environment electron. abbr. Advanced Combination Encoder softw. abbr. The Adobe Color Engine gen. comp. abbr. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: WITHIN AN ACE OF. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 13c., from L. as "a unit," from the name of a small Roman coin, perhaps originally Etruscan. It meant the side of the die with only one mark before it meant the playing card. Meaning "best, highest" is 1700s, from the deck of cards; meaning "outstanding pilot" dates from 1917. Meaning "to score" (in sports) first attested 1920s. The verb is from 1970. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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